October Zone 4

Zone 4 – October

Strike King pro Mark Rose gives anglers a heads-up as to what is expected in Zone 4 for the month of October.

Anglers should expect a change in water temperature as colder weather starts to make its way into Zone 4. “Water temps will start cooling off due to colder nights and some cold fronts starting to creep in. Many lake evils will start to fall as winter drawdowns start to occur,” warns Rose.

The one thing that Rose says to look for? Cover. “Let me explain – shad start to move up in the water column and migrate around in schools. Bass will use these schools of bait for food, shade, oxygen…essentially, cover,” shares Rose.

Strike King KVD Sexy Dawg
Strike King Red Eyed Shad


BAIT 1: Strike King 1/2 oz and 1/4 oz Red Eyed Shad

If the water is clear or stained, Rose prefers the Chrome Black. For muddy water, Rose will favor a Sexy Shad.

The Red Eyed Shad has incredible action, premium hooks, 3D eyes, and free-floating rattles.

Tour Grade Swim Jig
Tour Grade Spinnerbait


BAIT 2: Strike King Tour Grade Spinnerbait with 4” Swim-N-Shiner trailer

Rose picks up a Mouse for clear water while he opts for Spot Remover if the water is stained. Chartreuse/White is Rose’s go-to when fishing in muddy or low-vis water.

The Tour Grade Spinnerbait with a Swin-N-Shiner trailer is a top choice this time of year, particularly when there is a little chop on the water.

Strike King Tour Grade Football Jig Head
Mini Pro-Buzz Buzzbait



Rose opts for the White when fishing in clear, stained, or muddy water.

This is a must when chasing active fish in shallow water with a prevalence of vegetation and cover. And a powerful strike on a Strike King Mini Pro-Buzz will have you hooked on topwater action.


Pro Model Series 3 Crankbait
Pro Model Series 1 Crankbait


BAIT 4: Strike King Pro Model Series 1 Crankbait

If the water is clear, he will throw a Green Gizzard Shad, while more stained water calls for a Gizzard Shad. In muddy or low-vis water, Rose reaches for the Sexy Shad.

A small, shallow diver with high buoyancy, the Series 1 is designed to be thrown around heavy cover. The square lip design makes it excellent for deflecting off cover and triggering reaction strikes.


Strike King Tour Grade Spinnerbait
Strike King Tour Grade Swim Jig


BAIT 5: Strike King Tour Grade Swim Jig with 4" Swim'N Caffeine Shad trailer


He opts for Tour Grade Swim Jig Sexy Shad in clear and stained water while he will switch to a Black Blue if the water is muddy.

The streamlined, balanced head provides excellent swimming action and is complete with a medium wire ultra-sharp hook and Swim'N Caffeine Shad trailer. 


